Da li je vrhunac pripovjedačkog umijeća priča koja može da izmjeni ustaljene odnose u svijetu? Priča koja može da ubije i da, u pejzažima snova proze Milorada Pavića, bude ubijena. Da li su se Emiliji Konor na sudbinskim putevima, kao kob, prokletstvo ili blagoslov, ukazale priče Milorada Pavića ili je pisac želio da samo napiše romansiranu autobiografiju. Proza koja je u isto vrijeme i priča i roman, lijek i otrov…
In the novel The Tale that Killed Emily Knorr storytelling (the story) kills the listener (the reader). Thus literature, with Pavić, becomes dangerous to the reader. “In this book the author is accused of being able to kill with a story. Of course this is not possible, but when the world wants to make somebody look bad (which is something that, here in Serbia, we have witnessed directly), then all means are employed. In my novel the story is, after all, able to kill. It can kill the one that created it, that is to say – its writer.”
Izdavač: Dereta
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